E012: Unfriend


She’s your best friend. You tell her everything and she does the same. Life’s major and minor events are celebrated together. Your families are so close that they feel like your own. Suddenly, the phone goes silent and there’s no more knocks at the door - calls aren't returned, plans are canceled with little notice, texts go unanswered, invitations are no longer extended and when you finally do touch base, she readily tells you how busy she’s been. Then one day, you realize she’s gone from your life. She acts as if the friendship never even happened and you’re left hurt and wondering why. You’ve been ghosted. Or, perhaps, you’re the ghost. It's a hard fact of life that some friendships simply aren't meant to continue. And sometimes, we find ourselves in unhealthy relationships that need to be ended. However, the wake that our ghosts leave behind can be devastating. How do we deal with being ghosted? On the other hand, instead of ghosting, how can we end a relationship with honesty and grace? In other words, how do we break up with a friend like a freaking adult?

Friend Break-Up Article from Buzzfeed: https://www.buzzfeed.com/annaborges/why-dont-they-write-songs-about-this?utm_term=.lcw957eBA#.ch64kJGLP
Project Hope & Beyond: http://community.projecthopeandbeyond.com/